How do you get traffic on your site or blog?


get traffic on your site or blog

Last 7 days I got around 52K visitors to the blog I work on this site for 19 day’s working almost 17 hours a day. This is all from google organic search. You need to focus on your content at first not need to think about visitors. If you provide quality full content with SEO you will get the same

Yes You also can also get some traffic from social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, quora, medium, gab, and much more…..

You can guest post according to your niche that will give you a backlink and also some high-quality visitors..

There are many steps to get traffic to your website, and you can have great results with these steps.

  • Step one social media.

Social media play a great role in driving traffic to your website, for example,

  1. Instagram stories and reels, drive a lot of traffic because people will have a visual idea about your product and the topic you’re talking about.
  2. Quora, Quora play the biggest role when it comes to driving traffic through social media.

Simply because people can see the topics you are talking about, plus you can mention your website Url in the answer.

Answering Quora questions can be critical when it comes to driving traffic.

  • SEO or search engine optimization.

This is the most difficult and time-consuming part, but don’t worry my friend, I’ve got your back.

On-page SEO and off-page SEO are the two components of SEO.

  1. Let’s start with on-page SEO; it’s as simple as selecting a keyword that people on the internet are searching for, such as “how to lose weight”; this is referred to as a keyword, and this keyword has a search volume. As a beginner, I recommend you find a long-tail keyword with low SEO difficulty to rank your blog in the top 10 websites on the first page.
  2. Off-page SEO.
  3. Is nothing more than the creation of a backlink. You may ask, “Bro, what is a backlink?” Don’t worry, my friend, I will explain.

    People are referring to your website because of a backlink. I know it’s difficult to understand, so I’ll explain in detail: 

     if you search for a keyword on Google and the results are websites with high authority backlinks, that means those people are referring to other people by mentioning their domain in their blog or on their website; this is referred to as a backlink from people who are on the top result on Google, and what you need to do is get one of them to referee to your website to have high-quality backlinks.

      You can send a cold email, offer a guest posting, or write good content that merits someone referring to your website.

      1. Compose more.

      Concentrates on a show that the more frequently you update your blog, the more traffic it will get. Google gives higher need to sites with a new substance, so to stand out enough to be noticed from the web search tools, update your blog in some measure double seven days.

      2. Advance with online media.

      Share each new blog entry across your online media organizations, including Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest. Assuming you invest energy in developing your organizations and offer extraordinary substance, online media destinations can turn out to be a portion of your top traffic sources.

      3. Compose better titles.

      The titles for your blog entries are practically more significant than the actual substance. That is on the grounds that titles assist likely perusers with concluding whether they should snap and understand more. Focus on the article titles you see on magazine covers. They allure perusers with guarantees and arrangements. At the point when you do likewise, your readership will increment.

      4. Know your specialty.

      While you might be keen on ocean life, extraordinary travel objections, Little League baseball, and weight reduction, you’ll befuddle your crowd on the off chance that your substance doesn’t follow an unmistakable subject. Conclude who your interest group is, what they need to peruse, and what explicit messages you need to pass on

About Mudassar Nazir

Author and Owner of Mudassar World

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