Presence of water on asteroids revealed for the first time

San Antonio: Scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery i.e Presence of water on asteroids revealed for the first time by detecting water molecules on the surface of asteroids for the first time.

Presence of water on asteroids revealed for the first time

Astronomers theorize that asteroids colliding with Earth during its formative stages contributed to the presence of water and other essential elements on our planet. Thus, the quest to find evidence of water on asteroids bolsters this hypothesis, as per the findings of a recent study.

Data was gathered by experts aboard the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), a telescope mounted on a state-of-the-art Boeing 747SP aircraft, enabling observations above Earth’s atmosphere. Utilizing the Fant Object Infrared Camera (FORCAST) affixed to the SOFIA telescope, scientists identified water molecules on Iris and Messalia, two asteroids situated between Mars and Jupiter. Both asteroids orbit approximately 359 million kilometers from the Sun.

Dr. Anicia Arridondo, the lead author of the study from the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, noted that following the telescope’s previous success in detecting water on the Moon, astronomers decided to extend their investigations to asteroids.

The findings of this research have been published in the journal Planetary Science.

About Mudassar Nazir

Author and Owner of Mudassar World

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